Handgefertigte Hosen nach Mass aus Biobaumwolle, Loden und Denim von INDNAT, Hosenlabor, Jeanslabor, Lodenhosen, Entwicklung, Entwurf

Trousers lab

Stories about the makingt of trousers, in both words and pictures. From idea to prototype to the small series productions. The craft in detail on Instagram.

→  Work in Progress

Arbeiten von Freunden und Firmen mit denen ich zusammenarbeite, Barbara Heinze, Legorcicli, Werkstattschwarz,, Halfs, Holzrausch, München, Hechendorf, Barcelona, Forstern


Links to friends and their works, as well as companies which i work with and also from people who do simply great stuff or support my work. Enjoy!  

→  Friends & Partners

Fotografien von Marcus Priester


The photography goes with INDNAT since the beginning. A helpful “tool” to convey the trousers story. Here i present you some pictures of the last years.

→  Enjoy!

Videos von indnat, bio hosen, bio jeans, lodenhosen, vimeo, youtube


This link will direct you to Vimeo. I hope you enjoy this collection of short videos which i stumbled upon in the world wide web. A selection of crafts(wo)men, Artists, entrepreneurs and also natural spectacles and short stories. Have fun! 

→  Videos on Vimeo

music, poetry, von, max turner, fire and stonewalls


A poem by Max Turner. 

A poem by Max Turner. After lots of years being rapper for the band “Puppetmastaz”, Max Turner studies music, writes poetry and works on his new records. Max lives in India, Spain, Portugal, France, England, Scotland, Germany, Italy and many more places.

→  Prayer of the man, tree